I'm Callie Quinlan
This video explains everything in 110 seconds. Shorter than that Spotify song you're listening to.😉
I am a professional doer and perpetual learner. In the last 9 years I have led in many roles in the marketing, sales, and communications sphere. I truly enjoy marrying business goals, data analytics, and crafted user content to grow a companies brand awareness. I want to use my skills to make a positive impact in the world and the challenges we all face with social and environmental changes. I will continue to push myself to grow, to be in a room of smarter people, to be humbled by humanity.
Together we really can change the world. 🌎
Fun Facts About CQ
Alaskan Born and Raised [Anchorage]
Natural Redhead
2% of Population. [Ginger + Blue Eyes]
Redheaded StepChild
Rock Climber
Motorcycle Rider
Drives a Manual
Hike + Bike
Hoop Embroidery
Abstract Painting
Sourdough Making
Long silent walk taker
Fast pace doer and maker
Rock Climber
Mountain Hiker + Biker
Coffee Drinker
Enneagram 2w3
Volunteer / Networker
Litter Pick-er-Up-er
House Plant Mom
Share a conversation - with her
Unicorn of a human - Callie
I'm a HUGE Myers Briggs Fan
I am an ENFJ-A a "Protagonist" in the 16 personalities types. If you are in my sphere, I'll be observing to learn your MBTI. Making up about 2% of the population, ENFJs are passionate about people, helping others, and advocacy. Other noteworthy ENFJ's through history include: Nancy Reagan, Nelson Mandela, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Marcus Tullius Cicero, Morgan Freeman, and Reese Witherspoon. We're a pretty influential group to be associated with.